









  1. 肿瘤代谢调控机制研究(包括翻译后修饰对肿瘤代谢的调控)

  2. 表观遗传和代谢小分子对肿瘤免疫的调控研究,以及寻找肿瘤治疗的新靶点

  3. 去泛素化酶的底物筛选和生物学功能研究


 2010年毕业于厦门大学生命科学学院,获学士学位。2015年博士毕业于复旦大学生物化学与分子生物学专业,博士期间主要从事蛋白质翻译后修饰对肿瘤代谢的调控研究。2015年至2020年在美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校Lineberger综合肿瘤中心做博士后研究,主要研究方向为蛋白质泛素化,表观遗传以及代谢小分子调控天然免疫和肿瘤免疫。2020年受聘于viphjc888黄金城任“青年百人计划”特聘研究员,兼任viphjc888黄金城附属同济医院研究员。入选上海市海外高层次人才、东方学者特聘教授、浦江人才计划。获国自然面上项目、青年项目,国家重点研发计划,上海市面上项目等支持。以通讯作者或第一作者在Molecular Cell, JCI, Cell Reports, PNAS, Cancer Research等国际学术期刊上发表学术论文10余篇,这些工作发表后受到了国内外同行的高度关注:著名期刊Nature Reviews Cancer, Cancer Discovery, JCI等杂志相继发表点评文章。



2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(2021-2024),主持,经费55万,在研


4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(2021-2023),主持,经费24万,结题

5. 上海市“科技创新行动计划”面上项目(2020-2023),主持,经费20万,结题

6. 上海市浦江人才计划(A类)(2020-2022),主持,经费30万,结题


代表性论文#Co-first author, *Co-corresponding author

1. Lin, M., He, J., Zhang, X., Sun, X., Dong, W., Zhang, R., Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2023). Targeting fibrinogen-like protein 1 enhances immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma. J Clin Invest 133. Previewed by JCI, Editor’s picks

2. Tian, T., Xie, X., Yi, W., Zhou, Y., Xu, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, J., Lin, M., Zhang, R., Lv, Z., Li, X., Lv, L.*, Xu, Y.*. (2023). FBXO38 mediates FGL1 ubiquitination and degradation to enhance cancer immunity and suppress inflammation. Cell Rep 42,113362.

3. Sun, X., Dai, Y., He, J., Li, H., Yang, X., Dong, W., Xie, X., Wang, M., Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2023). D-mannose induces TFE3-dependent lysosomal degradation of EGFR and inhibits the progression of NSCLC. Oncogene 42, 3503-3513.

4Dong, W., Lin, M., Zhang, R., Sun, X., Li, H., Liu, T.*, Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2024). D-mannose targets PD-1 to lysosomal degradation and enhances T cell-mediated anti-tumor immunity. Cancer Lett 1, 216883.

5. He, J., Lin, M., Zhang, X., Zhang, R., Tian, T., Zhou, Y., Dong, W., Yang, Y., Sun, X., Dai, Y., Xu, Y., Zhang, Z., Xu, M., Lei, Q.Y., Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2023). TET2 is required to suppress mTORC1 signaling through urea cycle with therapeutic potential. Cell Discovery 9.

6. Zhang, R., Yang, Y., Dong, W., Lin, M., He, J., Zhang, X., Tian, T., Yang, Y., Chen, K., Lei, Q.Y., Zhang, S.*, Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2022). D-mannose facilitates immunotherapy and radiotherapy of triple-negative breast cancer via degradation of PD-L1. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119. (ESI Highly cited paper)

7. Zhang, X., Li, S., He, J., Jin, Y., Zhang, R., Dong, W., Lin, M., Yang, Y., Tian, T., Zhou, Y., Xu, Y., Lei, Q.Y., Zhang, J., Zhang, Q., Xu, Y.*, and Lv, L.* (2022). TET2 Suppresses VHL Deficiency-Driven Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by Inhibiting HIF Signaling. Cancer Res 82, 2097-2109.

8. Chen, L.L., Smith, M.D., Lv, L., Nakagawa, T., Li, Z., Sun, S.C., Brown, N.G., Xiong, Y.*, and Xu, Y.* (2020). USP15 suppresses tumor immunity via deubiquitylation and inactivation of TET2. Sci Adv 6.

9. Xu, Y., Lv, L., Liu, Y., Smith, M.D., Li, W.C., Tan, X.M., Cheng, M., Li, Z., Bovino, M., Aube, J., Xiong, Y.* (2019). Tumor suppressor TET2 promotes cancer immunity and immunotherapy efficacy. J Clin Invest 129, 4316-4331.

10. Lv, L.#, Wang, Q.#, Xu, Y.#, Tsao, L.C.#, Nakagawa, T., Guo, H., Su, L.*, and Xiong, Y.* (2018). Vpr Targets TET2 for Degradation by CRL4(VprBP) E3 Ligase to Sustain IL-6 Expression and Enhance HIV-1 Replication. Mol Cell 70, 961-970 e965.

11. Murphy, C.M.#, Xu, Y.#, Li, F.#, Nio, K., Reszka-Blanco, N., Li, X., Wu, Y., Yu, Y., Xiong, Y.*, and Su, L.* (2016). Hepatitis B Virus X Protein Promotes Degradation of SMC5/6 to Enhance HBV Replication. Cell Rep 16, 2846-2854.

12. Xu, Y., Li, F., Lv, L., Li, T., Zhou, X., Deng, C.X., Guan, K.L., Lei, Q.Y.*, and Xiong, Y.* (2014). Oxidative stress activates SIRT2 to deacetylate and stimulate phosphoglycerate mutase. Cancer Res 74, 3630-3642.

13. Lv, L.#, Xu, Y.#, Zhao, D., Li, F.L., Wang, W., Sasaki, N., Jiang, Y., Zhou, X., Li, T.T., Guan, K.L., Lei, Q.Y.*, and Xiong, Y.* (2013). Mitogenic and oncogenic stimulation of K433 acetylation promotes PKM2 protein kinase activity and nuclear localization. Mol Cell 52, 340-352. (Cover Story, Highlighted by Nature Reviews Cancer and Cancer Discovery)

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