
张 儒



姓        名:张儒

学         位:博士


研究领域: 分子与细胞生物学



     E-mailru.zhang@tongji.edu.cn; ru_zhang@hotmail.com


通讯地址: 上海市四平路1239号,viphjc888黄金城(200092)


   1991/9-1996/7      上海医科大学        医学学士

   1996/9-1999/7      上海医科大学        医学硕士   

   1999/9-2003/11     德国吉森大学        生物学博士

   2004/5-2007/5      德国马普生化研究所  博士后

   2007/5 -2008/3     上海中医药大学曙光新中药研究中心   副主任

   2008/4起             viphjc888黄金城受体生物医药实验室   副教









   1.Ru Zhang, Guizhen Xue, Shaodeng Wang, Lihong Zhang, Changjie Shi, Xin Xie. Novel Object Recognition as a Facile Behavior Test for Evaluating Drug Effects in A PP/PS1 Alzheimer’s Disease Mouse Model. Journal of alzheimer's disease, 31 (2012) 801–812

   2. Xinxiu Xu, Quan Wang, Yuan Long, Ru Zhang, Xiaoyuan Wei, Mingzhe Xing, Haifeng Gu, Xin Xie . Stress-mediated p38 activation promotes somatic cell reprogramming. Cell Research (2012)

   3. Ru Zhang, Xin Xie. Tools for GPCR Drug Discovery. Acta Pharmacalogica Sinica,(2012) 33: 372-384

   4. 刘宁,张儒。2011年,双拷贝APP/BACE/DPsn转基因果蝇模型的建立及基因功能的研究。昆虫学报 Vol. 54 (10): 1087-1093 。

   5. 张静,张儒,叶晨立,谢欣。2011年, 果蝇来源的GPCR Methuselah G蛋白偶联信号转导通路研究。中国细胞生物学学报2011,33(8):847-854

   6. Quan Wang; Xinxiu Xu; Haifeng Gu; Ru Zhang; Jing Liu; Jiekai Chen; Duanqing Pei; Yin Kuang; Jian Fei; Cong Jiang; Ping Wang; xin xie., Lithium, an anti-Psychotic Drug, Greatly Enhances the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Research (2011) 21:1424–1435

   7. Yin C, Zhang R, Xu Y, Chen Q, Xie X., Intact Mdm2 E3 Ligase Activity Is Required for the Cytosolic Localization and Function of β-Arrestin2. Mol Biol Cell. 2011 May,22(9):1608-1616

   8. Lie-Feng Wang , Ru Zhang and Xin Xie. Development of a High-throughput Assay for Screening of γ-secretase Inhibitor with Endogenous Human, Mouse or Drosophila γ-secretase. Molecules, 2009,14(9):3589-99.

   9. Koch H*, Zhang R*, Verdoodt B, Bailey A, Zhang CD, Yates 3rd JR, Menssen A, and Hermeking H. Large-scale identification of c-MYC-associated proteins using a combined TAP/MudPIT approach. Cell Cycle 2007, 6(2): 205-217. ( *co-first author)

   10. Torrano V, Navascues J, Docquier F, Zhang R, Burke LJ, Chernukhin I, Farrar D, Leon J, Berciano MT, Renkawitz R, Klenova E, Lafarga M, Delgado MD. Targeting of CTCF to the nucleolus inhibits nucleolar transcription through a poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation-dependent mechanism. J Cell Sci. 2006, 119(Pt 9):1746-59.

   11. Burke LJ*, Zhang R*, Bartkuhn M, Tiwari VK, Tavoosidana G, Kurukuti S, Weth C, Leers J, Galjart N, Ohlsson R, Renkawitz R. CTCF binding and higher order chromatin structure of the H19 locus are maintained in mitotic chromatin. EMBO J. 2005, 24(18):3291-300. ( *co-first author)

   12. Zhang R, Burke LJ, Rasko J, Lobanenkov V, Renkawitz R. Dynamic association of the mammalian insulator protein CTCF with centrosomes and the midbody. Exp. Cell Res. 2004, 10;294(1):86-93.

   13. Brackertz M, Boeke J, Zhang R, Renkawitz R. Two highly related p66 proteins comprise a new family of potent transcriptional repressors interacting with MBD2 and MBD3. J Biol Chem. 2002, 277(43):40958-66.

   14. Burke LJ, Zhang R, Lutz M, Renkawitz R. The thyroid hormone receptor and the insulator protein CTCF: two different factors with overlapping functions. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2002, 83(1-5):49-57.

   15. Schulz M, Zhang R, Eggert H, Boeke J, Neeck G, Eggert M, Renkawitz R. Distinct proteins interacting with the glucocorticoid receptor. Z Rheumatol. 2000, 59 Suppl 2:II/6-11.

   16. Jing Q, Xin SM, Cheng ZJ, Zhang WB, Zhang R, Qin YW, Pei G. Activation of p38 MAPK by Oxidized LDL in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells: Mediation via Pertussis Toxin-sensitive G Proteins and Association with Oxidized LDL-induced Cytotoxicity. Circulation Research, 1999, 84(7): 831-839.

   17. Zhang R, Wang GL, Zhang PL, Xiong Y, Zhang WB, Wang XP, Yin DL, Jing Q. Suppression of angiotensin II-stimulated responses in aortic vascular smooth muscle cells of experimental cirrhotic rats. Cell Research, 1999, 9(2) 155-61.



   1. 浦江计划,β-arrestin1在人原发性肝癌中的功能研究,项目负责人,2009-2011

   2. 国家自然科学基金,β-arrestin1信号通路在原发性肝细胞癌中的功能研究,项目负责人,2011-2013  

   3. 科技部国际合作项目,干细胞治疗的基础与临床前研究及产品研发,子项目负责人,2011-2013

   4. 科技部国家重大科学研究计划,胚胎发育的核小体重排和染色质重塑,项目骨干,2010-2014

   5. 科技部国家重大科学研究计划,人多能干细胞多能性维持和发育潜能差异的系统研究,项目骨干,2011-2015






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