









电子邮箱lingufa@tongji.edu.cn; lingufa@gmail.com


通讯地址:上海市四平路1239号 viphjc888黄金城(200092)


   本科就读上海医科大学,毕业后曾任青岛大学医学院附属医院住院医师。研究生就读中科院上海生命科学研究院,师从丁小燕研究员,获发育生物学博士学位。博士后合作导师为英国巴斯大学JMW Slack教授。曾任美国明尼苏达大学研究助理、助理教授。现为viphjc888黄金城教授、脊柱脊髓损伤再生修复教育部重点实验室(viphjc888黄金城)研究员。



主要研究内容为爪蛙、蝾螈与小鼠动物器官再生的细胞及分子生物学、表观遗传及代谢调控机制。此外,实验室亦致力于利用诱导多能干细胞(iPSC)探讨多能前体细胞移植在器官损伤修复与再生中的应用前景。实验室已建立了三维培养诱导类肢芽器官及获取肢芽前体细胞、通过移植含有胚胎肢芽前体细胞和生长因子组合的凝胶纤维蛋白骨架(fibrin scaffold)建立了诱导断肢再生的技术方法,可以促进小鼠断趾再生。



Book Chapters:

1.     Chen Y, Lin G*. (2014). Xenopus model for regeneration. XenopusDevelopment, Edited by Kubiak J & Kloc M. Willy-Blackwell Publishing. *corresponding author

2.     Leng H, Lin G* and Chen Y*. (2013). Cellular Origins of Amphibian Regeneration. Progenitor Cells: Biology, Characterization and Potential Clinical Applications, Edited by Horton P. and Lawrence B. Nova Publishers, New York (book chapter). *corresponding author

Peer-reviewed publications:

1.     Tai X, Xue S, Zhang C, Liu Y, Chen   J, Han Y, Lin G*, Zhang C*. Pharmacological evaluation of MRAP proteins on   Xenopus neural melanocortin signaling. J Cell Physiol. 2021 Jan 31. doi:   10.1002/jcp.30306. PMID: 33521982.

2.     Xu H, Zhang H, Fang Y, Yang H, Chen   Y, Zhang C, Lin G*. Activation of the Melanocortin-4 receptor signaling by a-MSH stimulates nerve-dependent   mouse digit regeneration. Cell Regeneration, 2021 May 3;10(1):19. doi:   10.1186/s13619-021-00081-9. 

3.     Li L, Zheng J, Xu Y, Kuang Z, Zhang   C, Li N, Lin G*, Zhang C*. Pharmacological modulation of dual melanocortin-4 receptor signaling   by melanocortin receptor accessory proteins in the tetrapod Xenopus Laevis. J   Cell Physiol. 2021;236:5980-5993. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcp.30280.

4.     Shen J, Hu L, Yang L, Zhang M, Sun   W, Lu X, Lin G, Huang C, Zhang X, Chin YE. (2020) Reversible Acetylation   Modulates Dishevelled-2 Puncta Formation in Canonical Wnt Signaling   Activation. Sig Transduct Target Ther. 06 July 2020.

5.     Lin G*, Chen Y. Limb regeneration under check   by the nervous system. (2018) Chinese J Cell Biol. DOI:   10.11844/cjcb.2018.11.0202. *corresponding author. Review.

6.     Zhang M, Chen Y, Xu H, Yang L, Yuan F, Li L, Xu Y, Chen   Y*, Zhang C*, and Lin G* (2018). Melanocortin receptor 4 (Mc4r) signaling   regulates vertebrate limb regeneration. Dev Cell.2018.46: 397-409.   *corresponding author

7.     Zhang M, Yang L, Yuan F, Chen Y, and Lin G*. Dicer   inactivation stimulates limb regeneration ability in Xenopus laevis. Wound   Repair and Regeneration. 2018. 26:46-53. *corresponding author

8.     Chen Y, Xu H, Lin G*. Generation of iPSC-derived limb progenitor-like cells for   stimulating phalange regeneration in the adult mouse Cell Discovery 2017 (3),   17046; doi:10.1038/celldisc.2017.46. *corresponding author

9.     Lin H, Zhu X, Chen G, Song L, Gao L, Khand A, Chen Y, Lin   G* and Tao Q*. KDM3A-mediated demethylation of histone H3 lysine 9   facilitates the chromatin binding of Neurog2 during neurogenesis. Development   2017, 144:3674-3685. *corresponding author

10.   Pai, V.P., Lemire, J.M., Chen, Y.,   Lin, G., and Levin, M. (2015). Local and long-range endogenous resting   potential gradients antagonistically regulate apoptosis and proliferation in   the embryonic CNS. Int J Dev Biol. 2015, 59:327-340.

11.   Pai V, Lemire JM, Pare JF, LinG, Chen Y and   Levin M. (2015) Endogenous gradients of resting potential instructively   pattern neural tissue via Notch signalling. J. Neurosci.35: 4366–4385.

12.   Shi X, Jai R, Zirbes K, Gong W, Lin G, Kyba M, Thomson J, Koyano-Nakagawa N and Garry D. (2014).   Cooperative interaction of Etv2 and Gata2 regulates the development of   endothelial and hematopoietic lineages Dev. Biol. 389, 208–218..

13.   Lin G**, Chen Y.* and Slack JMW*. (2013). Imparting regenerative capacity to limbs by   progenitor cell transplantation. Dev. Cell 24: 41-51  * equal contributor.  *   corresponding author. (F1000prime recommended)

14.   Lin G*, Chen Y. and Slack JMW. (2012). Transgenic analysis of   signaling pathways required for Xenopus   tadpole spinal cord and muscle regeneration. Anat. Rec. 295:   1532-1540. *   corresponding author.

15.   Chen Y, Lin G,   Chen Y, Fok A and Slack JMW. (2012).Micro-computed tomography for visualizing limb skeletal   regeneration in young Xenopus   frogs. Anat. Rec. 295: 1562-1565.

16.   Lin G and Slack JMW. (2008). Requirement for Wnt and FGF signaling   in Xenopus tadpole tail   regeneration. Dev Biol. 316: 323-335.

17.   Slack JMWLin G and Chen Y. (2008). The Xenopus tadpole: a new model for   regeneration research. Cell Mol Life Sci. 65: 54-63.

18.   Lin G, Chen Y and Slack JMW. (2007). Regeneration of neural crest   derivatives in the Xenopus tadpole   tail. BMC Dev Biol 7, 56.

19.   Chen Y, Lin, G.   and Slack, J. M. (2006). Control of muscle regeneration in the Xenopus tadpole tail by Pax7. Development   133, 2303-13.

20.   Lin G, Geng X, Chen Y, Qu B, Wang F, Hu R and Ding X. (2003). T-box binding   site mediates the dorsal activation of myf-5 in Xenopus gastrula embryos. Dev   Dyn 226, 51-8.

21.  Wu K, Weng Z, Lin G, Wu X, Li F and Zhang Y. (2005). The effect of breast cancer specific gene 1 in the prognosis of   breast cancer. Chinese Journal of Surgery. 43:294-7 (in Chinese).

22.   Wu K, Weng Z, Lin G,   Yin M, Qian H, Zhang Y, Ding X. (2004). Significance of breast cancer   specific gene 1 expression in breast cancer. Shanghai Medical Journal.   27:193-5  (in Chinese).

23.   Lin G, Geng X, Chen Y, Qu B, Wang F, Hu R and Ding X. (2003).   T-box binding site mediates the dorsal activation of myf-5 in Xenopus gastrula embryos. Dev   Dyn 226, 51-8.

24.   Geng X, Xiao L, Lin   G, Hu R, Wang JH, Rupp RA and Ding X. (2003). Lef/Tcf-dependent   Wnt/beta-catenin signaling during Xenopus   axis specification. FEBS Lett 547, 1-6.

25.   Chen Y#,   Lin G#, Hu R, Chen Y   and Ding X. (2003). Activin/Nodal signals mediate the ventral expression of   myf-5 in Xenopus gastrula embryos. Biochem   Biophys Res Commun 310, 121-7. #equal   contributor.

26.   Wu K, Weng Z, Tao Q, Lin   G, Wu X, Qian H, Zhang Y, Ding X, Jiang Y, Shi YE. (2003). Stage-specific   expression of breast cancer-specific gene gamma-synuclein. Cancer   Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 12: 920-5.

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